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Cheonan City Council

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Organization Chart

의장 - 부의장 - 상임위원회 : 의회운영위원회, 경제산업위원회, 행정보건위원회, 복지문화위원회, 건설도시위원회 - 특별위원회 : 예산결산특별위원회, 윤리특별위원회 - 사무국장 - 전문위원 : 의회운영전문위원, 경제산업전문위원, 행정보건전문위원, 복지문화전문위원, 건설도시전문위원 - 의정팀 - 총무팀 - 의사팀 - 홍보팀 - 입법정책팀

Council Member

The city Council members are representatives of citizens elected by Common, Equal, Direct, and Secret elections. The term of office is four years. The Cheonan City Council is composed of 25 members.

Chairman, Vice Chairman

A chairman and one deputy chairman are each elected by secret ballot from among the Council members, and the term of office is two years.
The chairman represents the Council, organizes the proceedings, and oversees the affairs of the Council, and the deputy chairman acts on behalf of the chairman in case of an event.


The committees are established in response to the executive body's administrative organization. A Standing Committee to review and process agenda items and petitions under its jurisdiction and a Special Committee to review and handle specific issues may be established. The Cheonan City Council consists of five standing committees, and a special committee is established by resolution of the plenary session if necessary.

Council Secretariat

The Council Secretariat currently consists of 34 (capacity) staff, including the General Secretary, to handle the Council's affairs.